The power of ‘no’
I am a people-pleaser. Naturally, I want there to be wins for all involved in any situation. I am also a serious opportunist with an...
Defining your core values
We all want to be better fathers. We all want to be better husbands or partners. We all want to be better men. That’s why you’re...
8 important lessons learned being the only girl on a hockey team
When the COVID-19 outbreak hit the United States, it, abruptly ended, among many other things, my daughter’s hockey season. For any...
My relationship with my daughter changed
Within the last year or so, the relationship I have with my 10-year-old daughter has changed. No major events took place to enact the...
The art of confrontation
I had an interesting discussion with my daughter this week. Long story short, she was uncomfortable with the way one of the girls on her...
What happens when your child inspires you?
The goal for any father should be to inspire his children. On his death bed — and hopefully sometime before that, too — he yearns to...
What happens when a family who wasn’t expecting to be expecting is suddenly expecting?
Truthfully, the reason I thought I didn’t want another child was because I didn’t feel I had enough love to go around. It’s not that...
Saying goodbye and thank you to my grandfather
My paternal grandfather died in 2018. He lived a good life. It’s funny, when people pass away, everyone mourns in their own way. His...
I had a vasectomy
I had a vasectomy. It happened but two days ago. One of the reasons I co-founded this project was to get real with Dads out there. Upon...